Wednesday, January 29, 2014

When will winter end?

Growing up in Ohio, you woud think that I would be used to be cold in the winter months.  You would think that I would be used to wearing 20 layers of clothes to keep warm. But the truth is I am not.  The truth is that I can't stand the cold.  I even tried moving south to get away from the cold Cleveland winters.  The problem is I think they followed me.  I am laying under a pile of blankets and my nose is colder than the dogs and my feet won't warm up no matter how many pairs of sock I layer on.  

What is a girl to do?  Aside from loading myself up with a bunch of unneeded, fattening comfort food, I have resorted to plugging in a space heater and wearing sweaters to bed.  My furnace is working overtime these days - and it doesn't seem there is an end in sight.  I long for warmer days - bright sunshine - flipflops - all the great things that come with the Spring and Summer months.  

I have to keep reminding myself that it could be much worse.  I could still be in Cleveland with sub-zero windchills and multiple feet of snow that seems to never end.  There are a lot of things I miss about home - but this damn winter weather is certainly not one of them.  

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