Thursday, January 23, 2014

Points vs. Calorie Counting

Every time I have tried to lose weight and I have worked with doctors or nutritionists, they have always told me that I have to "count my calories", "stay within this range", "only eat protein", "limit your carbs".  While this advise makes a lot of sense when you think about the recommendations the medical community always crams down your throat, but what if you are like me and you have tried that method, only to be left feeling hungry, unsatisfied and defeated?  What if you are a picky eater like I am?  What if you have food allergies and sensitivities that make it difficult?  As we all know, Weight Watchers is always an option - but what if you can't afford it?  The good news is that once you are able to figure out your daily recommended points target, know that you have 49 extra points in a week (or 7 extra "cheat" points per day) and how to figure out points values (you can usually find lots of recipes that have points values included online and a lot of foods you buy in the store today have that little blue symbol on them that gives it's points value (like Yoplait Light Yogurt - 2 points per container)

I get bored very easily.  Which is another reason why I need my weight loss efforts to flexible.  I need to be able to have variety with my food choices - but also still be able to eat the things I enjoy.   We already talked about calories and recommended daily caloric intake - today I want to talk about why the Points Plus program may be another option for you.  (BTW - If you choose to join WW this month they are waiving the registration fee - and the online program is only $18.95 per month - that's just 61 cents a day - and no I don't get paid to endorse the company either!)

Monday I joined WW to give it another shot.  The last time I really concentrated on my weight loss and lost 100 lbs (back in 2002-2003) WW is what kept me on track  I am praying that it works for me again this time.  I am trying to remain committed.

Before I go for today - I am going to share a list of "Free" foods with you.  These are items that essentially have no points value (although they do have calories - so you still need to be aware of how much you are eating.)  These foods have a high nutritional value and very filling.

WW Zero Points Foods List
WW Points Plus Calculator (you can use this calculator to calculate points values of individual food items)
Calculate your WW Daily Points Target

Now you have the very basic information you need to follow the WW plan.

One last thing --- in 2014 WW has unveiled the "Smart Start" program.  It is a 2-week starter plan that helps you get a kick start on your weight loss.  More about this tomorrow......

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