Sunday, January 12, 2014

Day 1: The Journey Begins....

It is a new year and I have resolved to make healthy changes in my life and my family's life.  It started with quitting smoking after being a full-fledged pack a day smoker for at least 21 years (probably more than that, but I know I was smoking when I was 16).  Quitting smoking was an easy decision - I was tired of not being able to breath.  I was tired of the yucky taste it left in my mouth after finishing a cigarette - and most of all I was tired of spending the money.  I realized that I spend on average $5.25 a day on cigarettes - this means I would be saving at least $150 a month.  That adds up pretty quick!  So I enlisted my DH to quit with me and with the help of ecigarettes from +blu ecig and +White Cloud Electronic Cigarettes we stopped buying cigarettes on December 29, 2013.  It hasn't been easy, but we are doing it.  One day at a time.  

The second thing that I decided I need to do is focus on my weight and getting into shape.  When I was younger I was very athletic.  I ate right. I exercised.  I stayed in shape.  I was healthy.  Over the years I have gotten extremely complacent.  I stopped eating right - choosing junk over the healthy choices.  I stopped exercising - it was such a chore with my busy lifestyle.  But I can't do that anymore.  I have to get healty.  I have to lose weight and I have to get into shape.  Today my journey begins.  I pledge to make better choices.  I vow to make a conscious effort to get more active.  Even if it means starting off small.  I want to feel better about myself.  I want to love myself - so that I can love my family more fully.  

So today begins the journey.  Today I am opening up and telling the world that I need your support.  My goal is to share my journey with you as often as I can.  I am going to try to post daily.  

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