Wednesday, January 29, 2014

I need your help to make my blog AWESOME!

Here it is...hump day!!!  Halfway through the work week.  If I am being honest I have to say that I am already utterly exhausted!!!!  I don't even want to think about anything more tonight....but I know that I made a committment to myself to focus on this blog in 2014.  I really hope and pray that I can provide information to others that will enrich their lives.

This writing thing is pretty difficult.  I don't know how authors are able to do it for a living.  Especially the great ones.  I struggle to come up with topics to write about, then when I think I have found a topic I like - I start to type and I can't think of anything to say.  So, tonight, I am going to apologize that my post is short and really doesn't make much sense at all.

What I am going to ask though is for my readers to give me feedback.  Please comment below with things that you would like to see me share.  What things do you want to learn about? What do you struggle with?  What do you want to learn from me?

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