Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Photo a Day Challenge

Back on January 1st, I decided that I was going to challenge myself to take one (1) photo a day for 365 days.  Periodically, I will have my photos that I have taken printed out (yes, printed out!) and will arrange them in chronilogical order in a scrapbook.  Today I am on day 21 - and I have to say this gets more and more challenging as the days go by.  My biggest obsticle has been deciding what to take a picture of each day.  I mean, as adorable as the cat & dog can be on a daily basis - there are only so many photos that can be taken of them - or is there?

My daughter, in her pre-teenness, has no problem taking "selfies" but God forbid I want to take a photo of her!  And my darling husband isn't very keen on having his photo taken.  In fact, none of us are really.

Part of the reason I wanted to take part in this challenge (which was issued by Ahni & Zoe by Creative Memories at the first of the year)was because I LOVE photography. I love capturing special moments and keeping them in albums to share with others. Another reason I wanted to take part in the callenge is because I want to try different techniques with photography. My issue right now is that I enjoy taking the photos on my phone instead of picking up my DSLR camera and actually experimenting.

I am inviting all of you to join the One Photo a Day Challenge with me. Take your photos, create an online album to store them in - but don't forget, you have to print them out and put them in a photo album so that you can share them with everyone you know!

Check out my products to help you preserve your daily photos at:

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