Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Making strides....

So I weighed myself this morning- and lost .4 pounds  I guess that's a step in the right direction right?  I signed up for SparkPeople but I just can't seem to get into the habit of logging into the site every day - and it just doesn't feel like it's really the right thing for me.  In my quest for the "perfect" weight loss program - I keep going back to just one - Weight Watchers. 

Today I re-signed up for the the Weight Watchers online program.  They have a new Smart Start program which helps you get used to eating healthy options - or at least that's what they advertise.  So I created my account today - browsed around the site and began getting ready to start tracking my points.  Tomorrow starts my official tracking.  

I now have my first goal - to lose 5% of my body weight in 8 weeks.  That's about 1 1/2 lbs a week.  Who's in this with me?  I would love to hear from you....and I would love to build a "team" of friends who want to support each other and help each other to reach our goals. Comment below if you want to join me.  You don't have to be working Weight Watchers - as I know not everyone has the money to do that. 

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