Sunday, February 23, 2014

Metabolism & Weight Loss

Over the last 6 weeks I have committed myself to working hard at making positive, healthy changes in my life.  It started when I quit smoking on December 29, 2013.  After 2 weeks of being smoke free I had gained at least 5 lbs, though I think it was more like 10 lbs.  This is one of the reasons I was not successful at quitting before - I would always gain weight and then I would feel defeated and upset so I would start smoking again.  This time, I wanted it to be different.  I couldn't allow myself to gain a lot of weight just because I was trying to make myself healthier by quitting smoking.  So, 6 weeks ago I began my weight loss journey.  

I have to admit that when I committ myself to something I become a nerd about it.  I have to research EVERYTHING I can about it.  Just like when I quit smoking, I researched all the different options for nicotine replacement therapy and all the different things that would happen when my body went through withdrawals.  So weight loss was no different.  I had to research, and I continue to research different things like healthy recipes, what are the best foods to eat when trying to lose weight, how much water should I drink, etc.  I also have been researching metabolism and how it effects weight loss and weight gain.  Part of the reason I began looking at metabolism is because I do have medical issues and take medications for them.  But I have also been experiencing a lot of fatigue, pain, irritability, hair loss, mood swings, and other symptoms that all point to Hypothyroidism and Graves Disease.  These will dramatically effect a person's metabolism.  But since I have not been officially diagnosed with either one of these conditions, I have to assume that all my metabolism needs is a "jump start".  

Today I want to share some information that I found while doing my research on metabolism.  Here's some things that you (and I) need to know about metabolism. 

1. You can't change Metabolism - you can only influence it.  Before starting any kind of weight loss program it is highly recommended that you know how your body stores and uses food.  The food you eat and the drinks that you drink are processed by way of your metabolism.  The metabolism converts sugar, protein and fat into energy.  Energy is then created and stored - this is call anabolism.  When energy is release, this is known as catabolism.  This process is controlled by the endocrine system.  You cannot directly control the metabolism, but you can controll what you eat, how much and how much physical activity you get. 

2. Calculate your Basal Metabolic Rate - Calculate how many calories per day your body needs to maintain your current weight. The formula for this calculation is called the Harris Benedict Formula.  It combines your BMR with your activity level.  You can calculate your BMR by going to

3. Fast Metabolism is mostly a myth - Each person has their own metabolism.  It is based on your genetics, age, gender, muscle mass and environmental factors.  When you skip meals or severely reduce the number of calories you eat, your body compensates by slowing down your metabolism. 

4. Exercise boosts metabolism - People who are better hydrated have higher metabolic rates. You should drink 8-12 8 oz glasses of water a day to remain hydrated properly.  The more active you are, the more calories you burn.  When trying to lose or maintain weight, physical activity is one of the most important factors. 

5. More muscle mass means a faster metabolism - Muscle mass helps burn calories.  One pound of muscle burns about 15 calories a day.  One pound of fat burns nothing.  

6. Healthy sleep means healthy metabolism - You should aim to lose between 1/2 - 2 lbs per week when trying to lose weight.  Choose healthy foods, use portion control and commit to getting physical activity everyday.  You should also commit to getting 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep per night.  

7. Metabolism slows with age - As we age, it is natural for our metabolism to slow down.  Beginning in your 40's you need 200 fewer calories per day in order to maintain your wait.  And you must continue (or step up) your physcal activity. 

8. Slow thyroid means slow metabolism - The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland that is located below the Adam's apple.  If it goes wonky, you won't be able to lose weight.  The thyroid releases hormones that control many of your body's functions.  This includes your metabolic rate.  (I just had my thyroid tested by my PCP this past week.  I pray that the results will help me figure out why I have been feeling the way I have been) 

9. Caffeine (may) boost your metabolism - Caffeine is a stimulant. It can improve alertness. Green tea with caffeine may help your metabolism.  

10. Calories trump metabolism for weight loss- Total number of calories and physical activity, in the end, determines how much weight you will lose.  Choose foods that are high in protein like lean meats and fish.  Eat foods that are high in fiber and low-fat dairy.  Watch portion sizes and calories.  3500 calories equals 1 pound.  So, start be eliminating 500 calories from your diet each day and you will lose 1 lb per week!

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