Friday, July 20, 2012

Rain ... Rain .... Rain.....

The end of the week is drawing near!  Yay!  It is storming here in Nashville tonight...and it's putting a calm over me.  I don't always like it when it rains, but everywhere in the US right now, rain is so badly needed that I see these storms as a blessing from Mother Earth.

Nothing too exciting happened today...other then I got a good laugh when a customer called in complaining that the rental company, which shall remain nameless, refused to rent him a vehicle because he smelled like weed....AND when confronted about it, he admitted that he just smoked before he went in to get the rental.  WOW!  Kudos to the person at the rental agency for their keen sense of smell....saved him from potential getting a DUI and saved them from a HUGE liability. 

With some of the things that people say or do throughout the course of my workday when they are trying to handle an accident claim, I can see why it feels like sometimes that our world is in shambles.  Not that I think smoking weed is bad --- cause to each his own, but for God's sake - that's not the kind of stuff you should be telling your insurance company or the business you are trying to get services from.  Wake up people!

In about 24 hours I will be touching down at CLE (Cleveland Hopkins International Airport) My dad is picking me up from the airport and then back to Painesville I go for the last time until November.  I am a little nervous though, cause I had to resubmit my request for time off in November...I haven't gotten confirmation of approval yet....but I am sure I will get the time off needed.  November is important....our 7th Annual Holiday Open House and Craft Show is on the 10th and then we get to watch our dear friends Jeff & Cindy get married on the 11th.  I am so excited.  Not only for the wedding, but because the craft show has become something that I get to do with my sister and we get to help children in need.  It's the best kind of service work in the world!  I would like to establish something here in Nashville eventually, but I have to get out there, make friends and build a customer base here.

I hope that my friends and family in Ohio don't forget that I can still provide them with quality candles, handmade gifts and of course, Creative Memories.....thank God for technology.

Well, it's time to sign off tonight....Jeff will be calling soon for our nightly chat.  :-)  I love hearing his voice.

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Coming Clean…

 I didn’t want to put all of this out in public but after an episode that occurred Friday night in a very public way, my heart is telling me...