Thursday, July 26, 2012

A House is not a Home.....

The weekend is over.....the week is almost over...where the hell has time gone?  Went back to Ohio last weekend to move Jeff, Karey and Flintstone to Tennessee.  Had a great time on Saturday, spending one last evening with my sister, family and some of my sister's friends.  We had a surprise 40th birthday party for her.  She was really happy and I am glad that we could surprise her like that.  Then spent all day Sunday finishing the packing and loading the moving truck.  We left Painesville at about 12:30 am on Monday morning.....arrived in Hermitage, TN on Monday afternoon at around 1 pm. (Tennessee time).  It was a long, hot drive, filled with some wrong turns, snags and aggravation.  

Tuesday, I ended up with some kind of stomach bug....spent the day sleeping.  Had to run to the local Walmart to get some kind of food in the house....wasn't much we could afford after spending all of our money trying to just get down here and have a place to stay.  But in the end, I think the sacrifices we have made will be well worth it in the end. 

Right now our place is a jumbled mess.  There is no organization and boxes are laying everywhere.  Trying to get unpacked, but also find "new homes" for everything is a huge chore....especially since I am working 40 hrs a week.  But it will get done and eventually we will settle in and get used to being away from our family and friends in Ohio. 

This is a nice place.  The surrounding area is beautiful.  The upstairs neighbor is pretty nice...he came out to greet us the first night.  I haven't really met anyone else other then those that I work with.  In time, things will get better. 

I am happy that we have a place of our own.  I am happy that I have a great job and Jeff will be going back work in a couple of days.  We now just have to figure out what we are going to do about Karey and school.  I can't get ahold of anyone at her old school to get her records which is aggravating me.  But hopefully things will work out soon. 

Well, I think we are going to try to get to a meeting tonight....Jeff's first one in TN....will be interesting to see how he likes it. 

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