Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Wednesday Already?

I can't believe it is Wednesday already!  Today was my sister's 40th birthday.  I am sad that I wasn't there to celebrate with her...but from I can tell, there wasn't any big celebrations or pomp and circumstance.  I feel horrible for that.  I can only hope that she will understand that I had to take this job in Tennessee.  For me and for my family.  Being the breadwinner of my household, I am responsible for making sure that my daughter and husband are provided for.  Not that Jeff doesn't contribute, because he does, but when more money and a better job are offered...I can't refuse it.  Admittedly, I am happy in some respects to be away from Ohio.  I was beginning to feel like we were stuck, like we were never going to get ahead there.  There appears to be a lot more opportunity here in Tennessee, and I know that once Jeff and Karey are here, they are going to fall in love.  

It is so laid back here...a much needed change from the fast-pace and chaos of living in the Greater Cleveland area.  I also dont know that physically I would have been able to handle another cold Cleveland winter....everyone says the winters are much milder here....I have been told that it gets cold, but there isn't snow like there is in Ohio.  The snow is really what kills me.  I can handle cold as long as I bundle up....but the snow storms from the Great Lake Erie Snow Machine is something I don't think I will miss anytime soon. 

I have a lot of fears about this move.  I fear sometimes that we won't make any friends here.  I fear that financially it will not work out for us, but with the fact that I am making more money now and hopefully Jeff will end up with a promotion to a supervisory role with Walmart, I pray that I can put aside all my financial fears and be successful.  

I do love my job...not many people can say that.  I love the company I work for.  I love my co-workers - everyone is so helpful and they care.....I love that kind of environment.  Even the "big boss", whose name happens to Kari and she has a sister who celebrates her birthday the same day as my sister, is awesome.  She is so down to earth and friendly.  She is serious about her job but she has fun doing it and she portrays that happiness to everyone in the office.  I haven't met everyone yet, I am sure I will in time. 

I have to say though, that I have to find out if I am related to one of my co-workers.  His name is Will Kimbrough and he was born and raised in East Tennessee.  I told him that in some way or another he is likely related to my husband....he laughed...but I don't think the name is very least from what I can tell and am pretty sure there has to be some relation somewhere.  I gotta get together with my cousin-in-law Becky - she has been working on the Kimbrough family tree.  I really would like for she and I to work together on it.  I personally think it would be a great gift to my father-in-law and Jeff's aunts and uncle.  

Well, that's my rant for today.  

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