Saturday, July 21, 2012

Hellllooooo Ohio!

This is it!  It is finally here....all the sacrifice of the last 2 weeks has come to an end.  I landed at CLE at 11:15 pm.....and back in Painesville by Midnight.  My lovely daughter and goofy neice made welcome home signs and greeted me in the driveway with sparklers.  My dad picked me up from the airport - Thank you Dad I love you!

Now I am just sitting here waiting for my husband to get home.  Tomorrow morning we pick up the moving truck and from the looks of things I am going to be busy as hell trying to finish the packing that didnt get done while I was gone and cleaning the upstairs so that mom doesn't have to worry about it.  There is way to much to do in too little period of time.  I am a little frustrated, but nothing I can do about it at this point.

In a few short days we will be beginning our new life together as a family, in a new home, in a new city in a new state.  I hope that we are successful and just as happy there as we were here in Ohio - if not more so.

Ohio and Cleveland will ALWAYS be my home.  No matter where I go and no matter what I do in life, nothing will ever change the fact that I am born and bred a Buckeye.

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