Thursday, May 1, 2014

Drop the Rock

Wow, time sure flies by!  I have been letting life get in the way so much that I didn't even realize that I have posted anything on the blog in a while.  It's sometimes funny how life can just take over and soon all of the hours and days blend together into one long robotic motion.  But even through all of the madness that life has to offer, I still have been trying to take some time for me (if you ask some people I might just be taking too much time for "me")

After I finished "Does the Noise in my Head Bother You?", I decided that I was not going to stop there.  I have a list of over 100 books that I would like to read "someday".  The hard part of being a "reader" is that there is always a new book coming out that looks interesting or looks like something tha tyou want to explore further.  So, you just keep on reading. 

A while back I posted a list of 85 books that I want to read.  That list continues to grow, but I continue to read.  I am now reading a self-help book titled "Drop the Rock".  It is a book written by individuals for individuals who are working a 12 step recovery program.  It is mainly focused around the program of Alchoholics Anonymous, but it is a great read for anyone who is actively working the 12 steps.  This books is completely about Steps 6 & 7 of the 12 steps program.  These steps deal with our character defects and shortcomings and learning how to allow your chosen Higher Power to removed those defects and shortcomings from your life with the belief that it will make you a better person. 

I have said for a very long time that I wish that everyone had the 12 steps in their lives.  This world might be a much better place if they did.  But then I think about the fact that there are the 10 commandements (which aren't really that much different) and the world is a still a crazy, misguided, confusing place.  However, what I do know is that the most caring, genuine people I know are individuals who actively work a 12 step program or live their lives by a certain set of "commandments" that are meant to make their lives, and the lives of those around them, better.

So why does recovery through a 12 step program appear to work?  There are 2 main reasons explained in "Drop the Rock": 1. We surrender ourselves to a Higher Power that we understand; and 2. Recovery gives us daily insight into what we can do to remove what blocks us.    Daily awareness of our character defects is needed so that we can apply principles which are opposite.  If a person works the steps of the recovery program, they are less like to be miserable. 

Here are the principles set forth in all 12 step recovery programs:

Step 1 =  Honesty
Step 2 = Hope
Step 3 = Faith
Step 4 = Courage
Step 5 = Integrity
Step 6 = Willingness
Step 7 = Humility
Step 8 = Brotherly Love
Step 9 = Justice
Step 10 = Perserverance
Step 11 = Spiritual Awareness
Step 12 = Service

We need to stop grasping and holding on to old patterns of behavior, thinking and feeling that are harmful to ourselves and others.  The actual words of step 6 state "Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character."  So what in the heck does that mean?  It means that we have to be WILLING to rid ourselves of the shortcomings that hold us back. We need to sit back and take a look at ourselves, who we are, how we behave and how we treat the people around us.  Not just our friends and family, but everyone that we interact with through our daily lives. 

The book explains that when we are studying and trying to put this step into action in our own lives, we have to consider the 7 deadly sins:
1. Pride - excessive belief in one's own abilities
2. Envy - the desire for other's traits, status, abilities or situation
3. Gluttony - consuming more than required
4. Sloth - avoidance of physical or spiritual work
5. Covetousness - desire for material wealth or gain while ignoring the realm of the spiritual.
6. Lust - excessive craving for the pleasures of the body
7. Anger - how were we taught as a child to deal with anger?  Was it healthy?

There is a lot more to Step 6 than what many people who practice a 12 step program are taught or are led to believe.  For many, they are told that you just simply have to be willing - but according to this book - it's a lot more than that.  There is constant action needed on our part. 

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