Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Following my dreams...

When I was a little girl I had this perfect picture of how my life was going to be.  I was going to graduate from high school, go off to college at my "dream school" and then have a career as a sports journalist.  It's kind of funny how life has different plans.  Just when you are not looking, life starts to steer you in a different direction from your dreams you had as a child to something completely unexpected. 

I always thought that I would be this great sportswriter - having an awesome career and by now be working for ESPN.  I never thought about getting married or having a family.  I never thought about all of the trials & tribulations that life would bring me that would shape the person that I have become today.  But, yet, I still falter.  I still make tons of mistakes and I probably always will.  However, I still want to follow my dreams. 

And I truly believe that I am doing just that....even if it looks a little different than I imagined.  I have learned the hard way that it takes a lot of hard-work, determination, and perseverance.  Some days it's hard to keep this in mind.  Some days all you want to do is just give up.  But you can't.  You can't give in to the haters.  You have to find it within yourself to keep going. 

My dreams today are much different than what they were 30 years ago when I was a snotty-nosed little girl.  Today, I dream of a long-lasting healthy marriage to the man that I can honestly say is my best friend.  I dream of my daughter growing up to be a happy, healthy, productive member of society - following her dreams.  I dream of having a successful career that provides comfort and stability for my family.  And I dream of being that journalist that I always wanted to be. There are so many things in my life that I dream of being able to achieve.  The question is how do I follow my dreams when life continues to get in the way?  The answer is - ONE STEP AT A TIME!

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