Monday, August 5, 2013

More Ramblings.....

It sure has been a while since I posted anything in this blog.  Well, a lot has been happening in my little world.  I am trying to remember to take time for me so that I can be the best mom and wife that God meant for me to be. 

Karey started 6th grade today!  I can't believe that we are at the halfway point.....6 years until she is out of school and off to college.  I love my darling daughter and she makes me so happy.  She has been having struggles lately, but I pray that we can work them and things will return to normal. 

I have decided to start another blog for my family recipes.  You will have to make sure you follow it.  It's called "Homemade Hunky ~ Recipes from my Family Tree"  Right now I don't have a lot of recipes posted, only because I am still going through all of my recipe cards and books to pull out the ones I would like to post.  But I will be posting periodically and sooner or later I will have a pretty good blog going there. 

I can't believe it is already August 5th!  Where has the summer gone?  Before we know it, Christmas and New Year's will be here and we will be embarking on a whole new year, a whole new beginning.  Time is just flying by way too fast.

Speaking of time flying by ~ the Annual Holiday Open House & Craft show to raise money for Toys for Tots is Nov. 9th in Perry, OH.  I will be traveling to Ohio to be there for the show and can't wait to get to spend some time with some of my dearest friends while I am home.  Some days I feel really homesick and miss everyone so much, but I know that they are always there in my heart.

Until another day....

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