Sunday, June 23, 2013


It's been quite a while since I posted in the blog. Guess I am not a good blogger. I haven't shared a lot about the chapter 11 bankruptcy that Creative Memories filed back in April. I think part of me did not want to believe that it was happening again. Now, they are discontinuing the entire product line including our digital line to make way for a "new and simplified" line of memory preservation products. I am torn about what my future holds with Creative Memories and my scrapbooking hobby as a whole. It saddens me that CM is changing so drastically. I am actually in a turmoil over what the future holds. I need to build a strong part-time business to generate additional income to the family. I have debts to pay, a daughter to send to college in 6 short years and dreams for my family that all depend on any additional income that I can generate. Do I continue to put my efforts in Thea failing direct sales businesses or do I step out and start my own business (officially, not just as a hobby)? For now, all I can do is pray.

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