Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Grow with Whom you Know - Lemonade Lady

Grow With Whom You Know

Feel free to forward or copy this article to your direct sales friends as long as the ENTIRE article is left intact, without any editing.
new Direct Sales consultant phoned my office to inquire about participating in a street fair in her city to display her company's products.
As we visited, I discovered she's a brand new Direct Sales consultant. She's had her kit less than two months and has yet to hold a party. Instead, she's been looking for places to advertise, shows to exhibit, and network groups to join.
These are all venues to find customers, but Party Plan people should first begin by inviting their personal "thirsty" friends to a party at the consultant's home.
Why host a Direct Sales party first?
Your "thirsty" friends get to experience your new business rather than depending on you to explain it over the phone or Internet.
When people touch, taste, smell, and experience something...they want it! You'll sell product at the home party, which means profit in your pocket.
Thirsty" friends can bring their friends to your home, which begins to expand your Direst Sales business base right away as you meet friends of friends.
When your friends experience your new business, they are more eager to become hosts because they want your products and the party plan gifts. Now they'll introduce you to more of their friends while they earn host gifts.
This first home party gives you experience in hosting a party. This is one of the best reasons to hold a party in your home. You'll understand the entire process of creating a guest list, inviting friends, reminding guests, and feeling anxious when you wonder if anyone will show up--the biggest fear hosts have about Direct Sales.
**Share from: http://lemonaidlady.com/Finding-Customers/Grow-with-whom-you-know.htm** 

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Each Day a New Beginning ~ January 5, 2013

Instead of concentrating on why we can’t do a thing, we would be wise to change our “Yes, but . . . ” attitude to a more positive one. Saying “yes” means I really do want to change my life for the better.

—Liane Cordes

Most of us look at the whole task and feel overwhelmed. Instead, look at the tasks in parts. By taking the task one piece at a time, I can accomplish anything.

Making a todo list will help me to prioritize and keep track of my progress on completing the bigger task. Just like my recovery requires me to take 1 step at a time. Life is much less overwhelming this way.

Today, I will do one small task that will contribute toward the achievement of a life goal.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Each Day a New Beginning ~ January 4

Once I knew that I wanted to be an artist, I had made myself into one. I did not understand that wanting doesn’t always lead to action. Many of the women had been raised without the sense that they could mold and shape their own lives, and so, wanting to be an artist (but without the ability to realize their wants) was, for some of them, only an idle fantasy, like wanting to go to the moon.

—Judy Chicago

There are probably not many of us, in this recovery program, who grappled with life as straight on as Judy Chicago did. It is likely we didn’t understand that we could mold and shape our lives. How lucky we are to be learning that now with the help of the Twelve Steps and one another. Each day we are confronted with many opportunities to make responsible choices, reasonable decisions. These choices and decisions are the molders, the shapers, of who we are becoming. Our identity as women is strengthened each time we thoughtfully make a choice. The action we take through making each choice gives our identity more substance—our wholeness as women is guaranteed through these choices.

Many opportunities to make choices will arise today. I can be thoughtful and make choices that will lead to my greater wholeness.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

January 2, 2013

"I believe that true identity is found...in creative activity springing from within. It is found, paradoxically, when one loses oneself. Woman can best refind herself by losing herself on some kind of creative activity of her own." - Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Creative activities allow us to emerge ourselves in something that allows us to be in the here and now. We are able, if only for a moment, to not think about who we are.

Spirituality and creativity go hand in hand. We are able to find ourselves and our higher power through the loss of our self-conscious selves while creating.

For me creativity is scrap booking, photography, reading, crocheting, candle making, baking and candy making. I am also able to lose myself when fully engulfed in a genealogical quest.... Family history is so intriguing.

Creativity is a given. It is another dimension of the spiritual presence guiding us all.

January 1, 2013

"We don't always understand the ways of almighty God - the crosses sent us, the sacrifices demanded...But we accept with faith and resignation the holy will no looking back, and we are at peace." -Anonymous

Today is about acceptance. Acceptance of my past, acceptance of the conditions presently in my life and acceptance that I cannot change everything. Each day is in fact a new beginning. I must remember always that I can look to my higher power for guidance in making my own life decisions.

I must remember that the past is gone. The possibilities that I face today are endless.

Coming Clean…

 I didn’t want to put all of this out in public but after an episode that occurred Friday night in a very public way, my heart is telling me...