Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Marriage Equality

I read a news article this evening that really put me over the edge.  It was a report about a woman in Michigan who was beaten because of who she loves and who she married.  I have finally come to the point where I can no longer remain "politically correct" about this subject.  I have to speak out and hopefully, my thoughts and my words will help someone else change.  

I am talking about same-sex marriage and civil unions.  There has been so much argument about why it should be illegal.  To me I think that it's a matter of people being afraid of what's different.  Being afraid of what they just don't understand.  Not too many decades ago, it was illegal for people of different races to marry - but times change.  People realized that love knows no color.  Regardless of the color of a person's skin, that doesn't mean that they are any less of a human being and we are all equal. So why is it so difficult for people to see that same-sex unions are no different?  It should not matter what body parts a person has.  Love knows no boundaries. 

I hate the argument that same-sex unions need to be illegal because of what the bible teaches.  That is the weakest argument in the world.  I mean, the bible also taught me that God loves all of his children.  And the bible taught me that Jesus Christ died on the cross for all of our sins.  This means ensures that all of us have a place in God's Kingdom.  I truly believe that God loves each and every one of us, regardless of our sexual preferences.  Regardless of the color of our skin.  Regardless of our religious affiliations.  God is the ultimate spiritual being.  

So when I read this article about the woman in Michigan who was beaten on the street simply because she was featured on a news report about same-sex marriage is just appalling to me.  I just don't comprehend why there is so much hate in this world.  I don't understand how another human being can hurt someone physically because of who someone loves.  It just makes me so angry.  And it makes me sad for what kind of world my daughter and niece are going to be left with as adults. My parents taught my sister and I that we should accept everyone for who they.  There will be people in the world that we may not particularly like or that we would want to allow to be part of our lives, but we must accept that everyone is different.  Everyone has their own unique qualities and we need to respect them for their differences. I hope that I can teach my daughter the same thing.

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