Monday, October 12, 2020

Republican vs Democrat on Gun Control

Every presidential election over the last 20 years has involved some kind of discussion on Gun Control.  The Republican Party, along with the NRA, argue that the Democratic Party wants to abolish the 2nd Amendment and outlaw every citizens right to bear arms.  The majority of conservative Americans have fallen prey to this line of thinking.  As a result, many people oppose the election of Democratic candidates on the basis of false statements from the right.  

The actual text of the 2nd Amendment states: 

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed." 

If we look that the amendment as it was originally written and intended by the framers of the Constitution, the key words are "a well regulated Militia".  It is my belief that this portion of the Amendment provides a caveat to the right to bear & keep arms - that caveat is the regulation of those who chose to possess weapons as a means of providing security.  In addition, this amendment does not specifically limit these regulations to one specific class of weaponry. 

This means that it is completely within the parameters of the amendment for Congress to enact laws that provide regulation of those who chose to possess "arms".  As such, it is important to know that Gun Control does not equate to Banning Guns or Repealing the 2nd Amendment

Joe Biden has outlined his view on gun regulations and his plans if he is elected President. 

  • Pursue constitutional, common-sense gun safety policies
  • Hold gun manufacturers accountable 
  • Ban the manufacture & sale of assault weapons and high-capacity magazines
  • Institute a buy back program for assault weapons already in our communities
  • Reduce "stock piling" of weapons
  • Require background checks for ALL gun sales
  • Create a program to ensure that those who are prohibited from possessing firearms relinquish them. 
  • Give States incentives to set up gun licensing programs
  • Establish a new task force on online harassment & abuse that will focus on the connection between mass shootings, extremism, violence against women & online harrassment. 
  • Promote the past that 100% of the firearms sold in American are "smart guns"
  • Address the epidemic of suicides by firearms
In contrast to Biden's stance on gun regulations, Donald Trump's only "plan" is to not make any laws that infringe upon anyone's right to purchase a gun.  Trump believes that concealed carry permits should be valid in all 50 states.  He has stated that the right to self-defense does not stop at the end of a person's driveway.  While he has stated that the amendment is clear, his interpretation of the amendment seems to disregard the portion that states "a well regulated Militia".  

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