Sunday, October 28, 2012

Football is Life....

You know why I like Autumn?  Not only does Mother Earth show us just how beautiful she is with all of her vibrant colors, but Autumn means it's Football Season.  Ever since I was a little girl, Football, to me, meant time with my family.  It meant 5 pm living room High School Football picks with my sister and my dad.  My dad would read the match-ups for the week and my sister and I would have to guess who the sportswriters had picked to win that week.  If we got it right, my dad wouldn't make a sound. But if we got it wrong he would make a funny buzzer sound....I can hear him making that sound as I write this.  Then there was Saturday afternoon College Football - not too big of a deal in our household unless one of our favorite schools was in a Bowl Game - Then we watched them an cheered our team on.  However, the biggest deal in our household was Pro-Football - but more importantly was Cleveland Browns Football and our hatred of the Steelers and the Broncos.  Cleveland Browns football - win or lose they were our team.  And even though people would tease us for being such big fans - they represented our hometown - they represented Ohio and they represented some of the best memories of my childhood.  

My parents had season tickets and I remember every year on my birthday (or as close to my birthday as possible) my mom would give up her ticket so I could go to the game with my dad and their group of friends that they had season tickets with.  "Uncle" Jim and "Aunt" Margie, Rick and T.J., Melissa and Susan.  I loved being their....I loved watching Bernie, Hanford, and the crew running and passing the ball up and down the field.  I loved being their when the Dawg Pound came to life every time our beloved Brownies would score --- it was especially sweet when they won.  Sitting at the Old Municipal Stadium with the smell of beef hot dogs and Ballpark Mustard mixed with the aroma of Pabst Blue Ribbon beer or Miller Lite.  

Then on December 17, 1995 - I was in my car at Kent State University Ashtabula when Art Modell came on WTAM 1100 AM to announce that at the end of the season, he was moving MY team to Baltimore, MD.  I won't lie, it brought tears to my eyes - how could he do this to Cleveland?  How could he do this to me? I wouldn't get to have those football games with my dad anymore.  I wouldn't get to spend that special time with him.  And who was I going to call "my" team now?  Back then Kent didn't have a good football team and it was hard to get excited about football.  

I did what any other football crazy girl would do - with reservation - I picked another team.  So I picked a team that reminded me of the glory days of my beloved Cleveland Browns. And the team that had one of the most attractive, blue-collar looking QB in the NFL - that's right I became a "Cheesehead".  I cheered on the Green Bay Packers every week of every season.  And I learned more and more about what it takes to be a great QB - a fast Wide Receiver, a strong Safety.  How important the Running Back is and how far a great Kicker could land a field goal - right through the middle of uprights from 53 yards away.  Ahhhhh - football - such a great thing. 

Then there was August 1999 - the Browns came back!!!!  It was a great day in Cleveland.  Even though the history was there - it was a new time - a new Era.  They weren't the same Browns of my childhood and I haven't shared a football game at Cleveland Browns Stadium with my Dad since 1994.  I miss those days.  The Browns aren't a good team right now - but they are still my team - I still bleed Brown & Orange.  I stay loyal to my home and the nostalgia of my child years.  I still love the Packers though and cheer them on every week as well.  Now I have two teams to cheer for and it just makes football that much more enjoyable.  

My daughter asked me "Why do you like football so much Mom?  It's boring."  I can't explain it to her; other than saying "It's life."  She might never understand Pass Interference, roughing the passer or encroachment.  She might never know what "offensive holding" is or understand why the coach throws a red flag when he doesn't agree with the referee's call on the field or why, if he loses the challenge, the team loses one of their timeouts for the half.  But what she will know is that mom wasn't afraid to cheer for the underdog.  Mom remained passionate about her teams.  

I will cheer on the Browns, the Packers, the Golden Flashes and the Buckeyes - win or lose they are my teams.  Win or lose they help give meaning to life. 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

White Bison's Elder's Meditaton of the Day ~ October 24, 2012

Elder's Meditation of the Day - October 24
"We create that bad among ourselves. We create it; then we try to call it devil, satan, or evil. But man creates it. There is no devil. Man creates the devil."
-- Wallace Black Elk, LAKOTA
Inside every human being are the laws and codes by which we should live. These laws and codes are communicated to us through a little voice. When we are still, this voice guides us. If we choose to live out of harmony, our lives become filled with anger, hate, selfishness, dishonesty, etc... When these things appear in our lives, we give up accountability and blame it on something or someone else. If we want to live in harmony, we need to pray our way back to living the principles the Creator gave us.

Grandfather, today let me walk with the principles. 

The meditations are copyright of Coyhis Publishing and can also be found in the book,
Meditations with Native American Elders: The Four Seasons at
Any republishing of part or all of their contents is prohibited.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Elder's Medication of the Day - October 23, 2012

Elder's Meditation of the Day - October 23
"We do not walk alone. Great Being walks beside us. Know this and be grateful."
-- Polingaysi Q“yawayma, HOPI
Many religions have different names for these Beings. Some are called angels, some are called spirits. These Spirit Beings are helpers. They guide us, protect us and will help us during our times of need. Sometimes they give us dreams. We need not be afraid when these Spirit Helpers come. We need to understand they are the Creator's helpers.

Great Spirit, send me the helpers to guide my path as I seek to walk in Your service. 

The meditations are copyright of Coyhis Publishing and can also be found in the book,
Meditations with Native American Elders: The Four Seasons at
Any republishing of part or all of their contents is prohibited.

Monday, October 22, 2012

White Bison's Elder's Meditation of the Day ~ October 22, 2012

Elder's Meditation of the Day - October 22
"Growth is a painful process."
-- Wilma Mankiller, CHEROKEE
Whenever we grow, we usually need to let go of emotional attachments. Letting go can be painful. Sometimes growth allows us to deal with fear. All fear can fit into two categories: one, we're going to lose something we have, and two, we're not going to get something we want. Both of these categories can cause pain. The best way to grow is to pray to the Great Spirit and ask Him to guide and protect us. All growth is guided by God.
My Creator, guide my growth today and give me Your love and courage to help my pain.

To subscriber:

Sunday, October 14, 2012


Okay, so I have kept my mouth shut for a long time on all the presidential election stuff, but I just can't keep quiet anymore.  I thought that I would just throw this out there for people to think informed and choose the best candidate for you....but when doing so think about the issues that mean the most to you.  For me, in no special order, what matters most to me are the following:

1. Women's and Gay Rights Issues - I believe in marriage equality...and yes that means that I believe that the GLBT community should have the same rights as me and my husband do.  The same rights as all heterosexual couples have.  Legally, Marriage is a legal, binding contract.  Anyone over the age of 18 can enter into a contract - this includes the Civil Union of two individuals who love and respect each other and want to show a commitment to one another just as I have with my husband. I believe that the government has no right to tell a couple who they can love and who they can enter into the contract of marriage with.  The constitution of the United States allows (in fact dictates) the separation between Church and State.  Therefore, we don't need elected officials telling us who we can and cannot love and who we can and cannot marry.  - I don't want an elected official who believes in passing laws that take us back to the 1800 and early 1900's by limited who can and cannot enter into Marriage - it's not a government issue - it's a church issue. In addition, I don't want an elected official who believes in the repeal of Roe v. Wade and going back to the 1960's by making abortion illegal.  A woman should have the right to choose.  In today's world, we have more and more options available to us by way of contraception.  Circumstances do happen to people who try the best they can to practice safe sex.  By taking away the right for women on Medicaid to obtain birth control, we are limiting the woman's right to choose.  In addition, I do not feel that the Government has any right to push their interpretation of the bible on the rest of the country.  For me, my child was a miracle - and while it was difficult to be a single mother - I would have made the same choice over again.  For some though, they try everything that they can to avoid an unwanted pregnancy, but still they face a decision.  This decision should be theirs, not one by the Federal of State Governments. 

2. The Economy ~ The past has shown me that everytime we have elected officials who prescribe to the right-wing philosophy of economics and tax code, the people of this land have suffered in astronomical ways.  Under economic principles of the left-wing - especially during the 8 years of the Clinton Administration - we have experienced some of the most prosperous economic times of our lives.  I don't want 4 years of living under the principles and philosophies of a man who is out of touch with the working man and woman.  I work hard to provide for my family and under the Obama Administration, my husband went back work after 2 years of being unemployed.  I have had more oppurtunities come my way then ever before under Obama's plans.  The company that employs me is growing....and I am making the most money I have ever made in my life.  So when someone asks me - Are you better off under Obama?  My answer is Yes, obsolutely and I know a lot of other people are too - even if they don't really want to see it.  Do we have a lot more work to do?  Yes, and I don't think that either candidate can do everything that needs to be done to undo 8 years of George W. Bush and his "plans" for this country. 

3. Education - As a former teacher, I believe that the education plans of Mitt Romney are not going to help our future.  We need teachers who are qualified and we need teachers who can lose their jobs because they don't perform.  HOWEVER, I don't believe that standardized testing mandates are good for our children either.  My daughter has a learning disability. Her disability causes her to have trouble with reading and comprehension because her brain cannot process words the same way.  That doesn't make my child dumb and it doesn't indicate that she won't be successful.  In fact, verbally, my daughter is perhaps well more advanced then others in her grade.  I want there to be more help for children with disabilities.  And I want the school system to take responsibility for helping her learn.  I know she has a learning disability based on my experiences as an educator, but because she is not severe enough, she does not get classified as needing additional help.  This places her in a position to "fail" by the standards of the State and Federal Departments of  Education.  That needs to change. 

That's all for today.  It's time for me to be a mother and wife - gotta get some things marked off my todo list.  Have a great day y'all!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


I have been thinking a lot lately about my life and how many people have been part of it.  Recently I noticed myself trying to remember things that happened in the past.  Not to dwell on the bad but to cherish the good.  I have realized that all the things that have gone on in my life happened to make me into the person that I am. 

Today a co-worker pointed out how much I know about certain subjects - subjects that I am passionate about.  I laughed, because I thought everyone was like me.  I take pride in where I come from.  Who my friends are, the kind of family that I have and the person that I want to be.  I am a work in progress.  

All of my memories are what make me the person that I.  They drive me to be successful and reach for the stars.  I remember my sophomore year of high school when a bandmate was killed in a car accident.  He was living his dream in the Marine Corps Delayed Entry Program.  I have never forgotten Steve, but I fear a lot of my other bandmates have.  I don't hear anyone mention him any more.  Do they have scrapbook clippings of the news paper articles?  Did they keep a copy of his memorial card?  What about his senior picture?  I still have my copy in my photo album.  

And then there was the younger brother of one of my classmates, who left this earth 15 years ago today.  I remember his laugh and I remember his goofy nature, but I know there are others that knew him better than I.  

I also think about the boy who was shot and killed down the street from house....I think it was 1991 or 1992 - I learned about it from my Aunt who worked for an attorney at the time. I don't really know how she found out about it, but I remember her calling our house and telling us that a young boy was found dead down the street from us.  Do people remember him?  Do people still mourn his untimely departure from the physical?  

As I sit back and reflect on my life I realize that I have been through a lot in the 35 1/2 years I have been walking the planet.  I am no stranger to loss but I am also no stranger to the enjoyment that life can give.  Sometimes I forget to be grateful for what I do have.  

Today, I am going to try to remain grateful.  Grateful for my husband and my daughter.  Grateful for the dog that I am allergic to, who makes me mad but also makes me laugh so hard I pee my pants.  Grateful for my job - no matter how stressed I can get at times, I realize that if it weren't for my job, I wouldn't have a career and would have no means of supporting my family.  I am grateful for the roof over my head and the car that I drive.  I am grateful for the bounty of friends that I have made over the years.  I am grateful that I have learned how to live a good, spiritual life and follow a path that is right for me.  

I am opinionated and blunt, but that is what makes me who I am.  

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Still alive

Been quite a while since I bloggers. I have been busy making a baby blanket for one of my co-workers. Would love to be able to sell some pf these!

Coming Clean…

 I didn’t want to put all of this out in public but after an episode that occurred Friday night in a very public way, my heart is telling me...