Tuesday, August 12, 2014

I'm back...

Wow! I need to apologize to my followers. I went MIA there for a while. Not just in this blog but also on my family recipe page. I really had no excuse until recently. Life was just being life and quite honestly I have been spending the last few months working my FT job and really doing some honest soul searching. It was time for me to reevaluate my priorities. Not to mention the fact that our house was broken into twice in 3 months...the theives stole my computer, then stole the replacement computer and iPad! I hate thugs! 

Anyway, one of the areas if my life that I had to take a look at was my direct sales career. Over the last 2 years I have tried desperately to get a business off the ground all while my parent company was crumbling. I stayed through the company's bankruptcy and signed on with the new company that emerged out if that last November. I could not get any interest in the products from potential customers and the business was failing before I had an oppurtunity to get started. On June 30th, I went inactive with the company because I just knew that something was happening. And I was right. The company was sold and is closing it's doors for good on Aug. 21st. After that there will be no more Ahni & Zoe by Creative Memories. Instead, the buyer has purchased all rights to the name Ahni & Zoe and the rights to the patented albums & pages. They have said they will no longer be a direct sales company. 

Because I knew that I likely was going to move on from Ahni & Zoe/Creative Memories, I began looking into other direct sales options. That is when I found two young companies who officially launched in January. That is how I became an independent sales consultant with Jewelry in Candles and Simply Aroma. Both companies share the same business philosophies as I and the same ethical standards. Plus their products are GREAT and fit into the lifestyle I am trying to create. 

So I thought my first post back would be a little bit about Simply Aroma. We are a new essential oils company whose mission is to bring the health benefits of essential oils to the general public. 

What are essential oils? They are natural substances created by aromatic plants. They have been used for thousands of years in various ways including healing, religious ceremony, cosmetics and body lotions. Some people also use them when making soaps & candles. 

Simply Aroma provides pure, volatile oils and are the best on the market today. 

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